Custom Links
The SpeedResearch browser comes with hundreds of customizable links that allow its users to create very powerful links.  There are seven types of custom links that you can create.  Below is a summary of each type followed by the full details and examples.  The tabs on the Custom Link Setup window each contain their own instruction boxes providing you with easy access to instructions and examples to help you build your links.  If you should ever need assistance with a complex link, just drop us an email with the specifics of what your trying to accomplish with your link and well do our best to help you out.

A general link can be either basic every day link to a web site or it can be setup to navigate directly to the research results on any stock research web site for the stock selected in your SpeedResearch portfolio.

Multi Page
A Multi Page link lets you create a link that will open and group of websites simultaneously within one tab on the browser or even within a new Internet Explorer window.  All of the sites that provide research data on particular stocks will navigate directly to the results for the stock selected in your portfolio.  This makes for a very easy way to group the sites you commonly do your research on and then open them all at the same time with only the data you want to see.  And for users with slow connections, you can just walk away and come back when its done.

Quick Chart
A Quick Chart link goes one step further and will allow you to directly open charts and any other form of graphic that represents research data.  Most charts on web sites are just image files that typically contain the symbol of the stock it represents within the URL address of the file.  Quick Chart links allow you to open these chart files directly.  You can set one link to open up to four charts from any combination of web sites for the selected stock in your portfolio.  Or you can use the 'Selected Portfolio' option and open the same set of charts for every stock in your selected portfolio and all within one window.  You can also set hidden page breaks for great printouts.

Portfolio links allow you to retrieve results from a research web site for all stocks in the selected SpeedResearch portfolio. You can either open a web site multiple times within the same window, once for each symbol in your portfolio, or you can open a web site that can display data or charts for multiple stocks simultaneously. 

Search links allow you to use web search engine sites more efficiently. Search links interact with the URL field at the top of the browser and function just like the built-in search links. Once a Search link is defined, you can just enter 2 or more key words in the URL box on the browser and select your search link to open the specified search site with the results for your key words. Search links always default to the last set of key words, so if you perform a search with one link and don't find what you want, just click another search link to search for the same key words. There are quite a few search links already built-in under the Search button on the browsers tool bar.

Application links are simply links that open other applications on your computer. They are just like Windows Shortcuts. To create an application link, enter the full path and file name of your application in the box above. 

Multi Tab
Multi Tabs link allows you to create a single link that will open different websites in all or a selection of your browser tabs. If the specified sites supply stock specific data, the sites can be configured to open directly to the research data for the stock you have selected in your SpeedResearch portfolio.

Common Custom Link Options 

Link Title - Enter a Title for the link (up to 12 char in length).

Description - Enter a short description for the link (optional). This will appear in the status box at the bottom of the bottom of the browser window when you move your mouse cursor over the link.

PSx - If this link is for researching Penny Stocks (OTC) and symbols entered into this site include a suffix like '.OB', then enter the suffix into the PSx box and the browser will automatically append the suffix to the stock symbols when the link is used.

New Window - If you would like this link to opened in a new web browser window outside of the SpeedResearch browser, check the box to the left. 

Colors - To customize the look of your new custom link, you can change the colors of each individual link.  In the box marked 'Colors' there are two buttons and a sample of what your link will look like.  Click on the 'Text' button to change the color of the text in your link.  Click the 'Back' button to change the background color of your link.

Right-Click Menu
After a <Custom> link has been created, right-clicking the link opens the following options.
- Opens the link in the current browser tab
Open in New Window - Opens the link in a new IE browser window
Properties - Opens the Custom Link Setup window
Reset - Deletes all settings for the link setting it back to '<C>'
Copy Colors - Copies the link color scheme
Paste Colors - Applies the last copied color scheme


Creating a 'General' Link

URL ( Address )

If this is going to be a basic link to a web site, simply enter the URL address into the field provided.

If this link is to a research web site and should open that site to the data for the stock selected in your SpeedResearch portfolio, then enter the full address for the research page of the website into the URL box, then replace the stock symbol within the address with UCASETICK if the symbol is shown in upper case or LCASETICK if it is shown in lower case.

ex. Say you want your link to open's research 
page for the symbol 'QQQ' selected in your portfolio.
If the address for the research results for 'QQQ' on is :

Then you should enter :

into the URL box on this tab.

**  If you are creating a Multi Link, Chart Wizard, Portfolio Link, Search Link or Application link, there is no need to enter anything into the URL field on the general tab. Additional instructions for advanced links are shown on the corresponding tabs.

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Creating a 'Multi Page' Link

- To create a Multi Page link, enter a title and description for the link and then click the Multi Page button below to begin selecting the links you wish to include. After clicking the button below, this window will close and you will see the 'Multi' button blinking on the browser. Start selecting the links you wish to include in your Multi Page link. You will notice the links you select will stay highlighted so that you can see what you have selected. Once you have selected your links, click the blinking 'Multi' button to complete the process. 

Notes : 

- Only General custom Links are selectable for adding to Multi Page links.

- If you have a slow connection, take caution in how many links you add to a Multi Page link. Remember, clicking the Multi Page link will try to open all of the pages within it at once.

- Some web pages have difficulty loading into frames, so if you create a Multi Page link and only one page opens, then that page should not be included. At this time, the only way to remove it is to recreate the link. 

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Creating a 'Quick Chart' Link

Chart #1 - #4 - Quick Chart links can be configured for up to four charts at once. The boxes Chart #1-#4 are where you will enter the URL addresses of the chart(s) you wish to open with your link. To determine the URL address of a chart and if it is able to be accessed by a Quick Charts link, follow these steps.

- Open a web site that contains the chart or graphical representation of a stock

- Right-click on the chart and select 'Properties'. If you don’t see a properties 
  option then most likely you will not be able to use it in a Quick Chart link.

- If you see an entry for Address(URL) then right-click on the actual address and 
  select the 'Select All' option

- Right-Click the address again and select 'Copy'

- Open your properties window for your Quick Chart link

- Paste the URL address into one of the Chart# boxes using <CTRL>-V or by 
  right-clicking the box and selecting 'Paste'

- Look for the stock symbol in the URL address, if you find it, replace it with 
  UCASETICK or LCASETICK depending on the case of the original symbol.
  If you can't find the stock symbol in the URL, then most likely you will not 
  be able to use it in a Quick Chart link.

- Repeat the above steps to fill in the other Chart# boxes if you wish

Apply Link To - The 'Selected Stock' & 'Selected Portfolio' options are to specify how you want your link applied. If you select 'Selected Stock' then the link will only open the charts for the selected stock in your SpeedResearch portfolio. If you select 'Selected Portfolio' then the link will open the charts for every stock in your selected SpeedResearch portfolio all in one page with each set of charts labeled by stock symbols. 

Page Break - When the 'Selected Portfolio' option is used, you can have the browser insert a Page Break after any number of stocks. This will allow you to create a printer friendly report that will not split charts across pages. Depending on your Chart Layout and how large the charts are, determine how many full sets of charts will fit on one sheet of paper. If you can fit the charts for five(5) stocks in one page, then set the Page Break to '5'. Now, when you use the link on portfolios with large amounts of stocks, and you want to print the results, your printout will be nicely formatted with 5 stocks per page. The Page Breaks are not visible when viewing your charts in the browser, only the printer will see them.

Layout - The Layout options specify how the four charts for each stock will be visually arranged on the page. 

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Creating a 'Portfolio' Link

Multiple Page Results - Use this option to create a link to open the specified web site multiple 
times, once for each stock in the selected SpeedResearch portfolio. This will work similar to a 
Multi Link. You'll just be opening the same web site multiple times. You will create the link for 
this option very similar to a General link.

ex. Say you want your link to open's research 
page for the all symbols in your selected portfolio.
If the address for the research results for 'QQQ' on is :

Then you should enter :

into the URL box on this tab.

Single Page Results - Use this option for web sites that are able to display results for multiple 
stocks simultaneously. This is similar to some of the built-in links under 'Query Portfolio'. 
With this option, you need to specify the delimiter character that the web site uses to separate 
the stocks in the URL.

ex. Say you want your link to open's comparison
chart for the all symbols in your selected portfolio.
If the address for a chart containing YHOO,DELL,
AMZN and CMRC on is :

Then you should enter :

into the URL box on this tab and then enter the '+' 
character into the box in the 'Single Page Results' option.

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Creating a 'Search' Link

URL ( Address ) - To create a search link, go to a search engine web site of your choice and perform a search on a few words.  Enter the full URL address for the search engine results page into the URL field.  Find the key words in the URL that you used to open that page and replace them with SEARCHKEYS. 

Key Word Delimiter - Enter the character that is used to separate the key words within the URL into the Key Word Delimiter box.  This is usually a '+' sign but may be different on some search sites.

ex. Say you want your link to open's search
engine for the words 'stock' and 'market'.
If the address for the search results on is :

Then you should enter :

into the URL box on this tab and then enter the '+' 
character into the Key Word Delimiter box.

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Creating an 'Application' Link

File Path & Name - Application links are simply links that open other applications on your computer. They are just 
like Windows Shortcuts. To create an application link, enter the full path and file name of your 
application in the box above. 

ex. Say you want to create a link to Windows Solitaire for when the market is slow :)

Solitaire is typically located in your Windows or WINNT 
directory and the file name is sol.exe

To create your link, you would enter :


into the File Path & Name box.

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Creating a 'Multi Tab' Link

Tab # - Specifies the Tab you are currently setting the Description and URL address for.  You can
only configure this link for the number of browser tabs that you are using.  You can use up to ten
browser tabs at the same time, and can set the number of tabs on the Setup Window.

Description - Used for informational purposes only to describe the URL you are linking too.

URL Address - Specifies the URL that the selected Tab will navigate too when the Custom Link is clicked.
This link can be linked to the select stock symbol using the methods described in the Instructions
box on the Multi Tabs link setup window.

Auto - Application links are simply links that open other applications on your computer. They are just 
like Windows Shortcuts. To create an application link, enter the full path and file name of your 
application in the box above. 

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