Portfolio links
are designed to open web sites capable of displaying data
for multiple stocks at one time, in most cases in some form
of comparison chart or graph. We have built a collection
of links that will open many of these these sites directly
to the results for every stock in your selected portfolio or
your whole collection of stocks across all 10 portfolios.
Clicking the 'Query
Portfolio' link just below your portfolio #'s will open the
following menu. The submenu titled 'All Portfolios' are the
links that will open results for stocks across all of your
portfolios. Please note that some sites have limits to how
many stocks they can display data for at one time. In most
cases, when you exceed this limit, the site will open with
results for the number of stocks up to the limit of the
site. You will also see a link at the bottom of the list
titled 'Select Multi-Page'. Clicking this link will allow
you to open any one or your standard research links multiple
times within one tab, once for each stock in your selected
portfolio. When you click the 'Select Multi-Page' menu
option, the 'Query Portfolio' link will become highlighted
and some of the other links on the browser which are not
supported for this type of browsing will be disabled until
you select your research link. If you wish to cancel the
'Select Multi-Page', just click the highlighted 'Query
Portfolio' link again.